Center For Excellence

About Us

Our History

The Center for Excellence in Public/Government Service has a rich history dedicated to empowering HBCU students to become influential leaders in government service. Our journey began with a mission to expand education and opportunities at HBCUs, uniting with government agencies and civic organizations to drive societal change. Over the years, we’ve nurtured HBCU students, helping them evolve into transformational leaders poised to make a difference on Capital Hill, all while renewing interest in government service and advancing equity for all. Our commitment to our vision and mission remains unwavering as we continue to shape a more equitable future through excellence in public and government service.

Our Team

Dr. Said Sewell

Director, Office Of Academics, Research, And Student Success
Dr. Said Sewell

Dr. Anika A. Evans

Center for Excellence Manager
Dr. Anika A. Evans

Ms. Carol Smith

Center for Excellence Program Coordinator

Ms. Carol Smith

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Our Vision

The vision of the Center for Excellence in Public/Government Service is to increase the number of students entering public service in government ranks. 

CFE D.R.E.A.M Team

The success of the Center for Excellence in Public/Government Service wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable support of the dedicated staff members of the Atlanta University Center (AUC). These individuals have been instrumental in our mission to empower HBCU students and foster future leaders in government service.

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Our Mission

Expand education and provide developmental activities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to develop a network of collaboration with government and other civic engagement organizations to renew interest and engagement with our government to produce tangible societal benefits that advance equity for all.

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